HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Aly; Christy Setola; Flo Jones; Marijo Mencini!! -- Welcome to CNP Nails! Open Monday-Saturday, 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM. Walk-ins are accepted!

Dear Customer,

CNP Nails is thrilled to introduce our new polish collection! Alongside trusted brands like OPI, DND, DC, Chisel, CnC, Kiarasky, iGel, zBlend, Metalux, Dip n’duo, UZU, Perfect Match, and many more, we've added a fresh, modern collection with a range of stunning new shades. We’d love to help you find the perfect color! Come by soon to explore our full range and let us add a little sparkle to your day.

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There are many reflex zones on the foot each corresponding to a different body area

Gift: Nail Salon Joke

A woman went to a nail salon and asked for a pedicure. As the technician was working on her toes, she asked, "Do you ever get bored of just painting nails all day?"

The technician replied, "Actually, I never get bored. There are so many different colors and designs to choose from. It's like a work of art on every client."

The woman smiled and said, "I know what you mean. I always feel like I'm walking on sunshine after a good pedicure." The technician laughed and replied, "That's the power of good nails!"

 Source: ChatGPT